成為社區健康先鋒 - 以廣東話或國語增加華人
社區對自己身體的醫療認知,從而達到預防勝於治療的最終目的。 -
建立醫療界的人際網絡 - 昇華義工朋友都擁有一顆無私為社區服務的赤子之心,加上自身的
專業資格,每位朋友都會是您未來的良師益友,好同伴好同事。 -
對其它醫療行業增加認識 - 使您在治療病人時
可以免費參與跨學科研討會,並有機會於附帶的小組討論會內認識您未來的工作夥伴。 -
可以使用《昇華義工鼓勵計劃 》- 昇華義工
可以獲得贊助商提供的獨家優惠。 -
建立良性的專業形象 - 增強您在社區的形象,
為自己醫療診所帶來更多忠誠的客戶。 -
善用您的母語爲華人服務 - 沒信心以中文對話的朋友,可以運用講座形式多多學習中文,增強
為加拿大華人社區服務 – 您不需要有專業知識,也不需要有特別經驗,只要有興趣爲社區服務,我們絕對歡迎您的
加入,為社區出一分力。 -
建立專業人際網絡 - 透過各項社交活動,認識一群同樣希望為社區出一份綿力的醫療界朋友。
可以使用《昇華義工鼓勵計劃 》- 昇華義工可以獲得贊助商提供的獨家優惠。
AIME Executive Member Commitment Award
Past Winner (2022): Margaret Meng (RDH)
This is awarded to ONE current executive team member who distinguished themselves for their dedication in the voluntary mission of AIME. This member must serve or will serve in the executive team for their entire term of appointment. This member will be chosen by their peers in the executive team, each member will have a single vote of equal weight. All votes must be submitted to the President on or before Nov 30, 2023. If more than one finalist is generated, a final election will be performed amongst the team to determine the award recipient. No application is necessary to be considered for this award. The recipient of this award will receive a certificate in honor of their achievement. This award carries no monetary value.
Dr. Bernard Ho presenting award to Margaret Meng
AIME Community Service Award
Past Winner (2022): Jes Huo
Winnie Li (runner-up)
This is awarded to ONE healthcare speaker in each calendar year who demonstrated continuous support to the community outreach effort of AIME. To receive this award, this individual would have provided the most numbers of healthcare seminars to the community in that year. No application is necessary to be considered for this award. The recipient of this award will receive a certificate in honor of their achievement. This award carries no monetary value.
Dr. Tina Lam presenting award to Dr. Jes Huo
AIME Undergraduate/Postgraduate Volunteer Award
Past Winner (2022): Wendy Chen
This award is created to celebrate the dedication of ONE AIME volunteer, who is currently enrolled in a Canadian undergraduate healthcare program. This person has consistently showed support to various aspects of AIME volunteer mission in the community. This person may or may not be an executive member of AIME. Interested applicant must submit a letter of intent to seminar.info.aime@gmail.com on or before Nov 30, 2022. This award will be selected based on a joint decision by the Chair of the Community Outreach Team and the Chair of the Interprofessional Team. The recipient of this award will receive a certificate in honor of their achievement. This award carries no monetary value.
Apply for this award and include your name; details of the healthcare program (year of study, name of program); their contribution in AIME in the specific year that they are applying for and finally, why they should be considered for this award